
Always get to the root of the problem.

Note : Blurb from the back of the book!
The success of the ‘Smiling Buddha’ nuclear test marked the rise of India as a nuclear power in 1974. But what went unreported in the media was the nuclear fallout that had lasting impact on the inhabitants of Pokhran, especially Chaitanya.

It quickly becomes clear that the conspiracy surrounding this radioactive fallout runs pretty deep in the establishment. Those who have had a hand in covering it up are willing to go to great lengths to ensure that the secrets stay buried.

Chaitanya sets on a journey to expose the truth. With Zara by his side, he is sure to bring justice to his people. But when fate snatches Zara away from him, he is consumed by revenge. Undeterred by threats, he embarks on a mission that takes him from the deserts of Pokhran to those of Syria, and into the halls of MIT.
Pokhran is a fictional novel inspired by real events by Uday Singh.
Even though the main plot of the book is to expose the truth about Pokhran, that aspect left me feeling a bit dissatisfied as I was expecting more.
However I did like how the story revolves around Chaitanya and his struggle after the nuclear test and this was (or felt like for me personally) more of his story and not Pokhran in general.
While reading the part of his relationship with his father and how hard be was on him I broke down because I couldn’t understand how a parent could be so hard on a child, not only because of his disability but because he tries so hard to be perfect but it’s never good enough.
It’s a quick read and a page turner because the prologue makes you want to know why a particular event is happening and to understand that you’ll have to understand Chaitanya’s full journey and his connection to Pokhran.
One of the biggest things that annoyed me were the time jumps between chapters that made me lose my train of thought until I grasped what was happening.
The ending has left me with mixed feelings as it does make sense, but I was expecting something better because it felt like an easy way out.
This book is one of my top Indian books this year and the author probably one of the better Indian authors who I’ve come across.
For those who have been looking to read more works by Indians I would recommend this book.

Rated 8.5/10
Melina L.

One response to “Pokhran”

  1. Wow! You have reviewed the book so lucidly. We would love to get our hands on this book.


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